断層変位に対するリスク評価と工学的な対応策 (4)機器・配管系の解析評価事例
佐藤 邦彦,Kunihiko SATO,鈴木 優,Yutaka SUZUKI,新間 聡,Satoshi SHINMA,原口 龍将,Ryusuke HARAGUCHI,神谷 昌伸,Masanobu KAMIYA,小川 勤,Tsutomu OGAWA,上屋 浩一,Koichi KAMIYA
The structural integrity of equipment and piping systems to a fault displacement depends on the damage state of a reactor building. When there is no damage in a reactor building, the supporting function of equipment and piping systems is maintained. In this case, FEM analysis can estimate the allowable state of the entire system of the important safety equipment. In this part, an example of the analysis evaluation for the equipment and piping systems, which are important for safety, in the case of loading a...
Risk Evaluation Method for Faults Displacement by Engineering Approach (4)The Analysis Evaluation of Equipment and Piping System